# Projects
These are the projects that I've created and currently work on:
- [Cathode](https://github.com/vezel-dev/cathode): A terminal-centric replacement for the .NET console APIs.
- [Celerity](https://github.com/vezel-dev/celerity): An expressive programming language for writing concurrent and maintainable software.
- [Graf](https://github.com/vezel-dev/graf): A graph-oriented intermediate representation, optimization framework, and machine code generator.
- [libap](https://github.com/alexrp/libap): A port of LLVM's arbitrary-precision numerics types to Zig with a C API.
- [libffi](https://github.com/vezel-dev/libffi): A friendly libffi fork with a Zig build script and bindings.
- [Novadrop](https://github.com/vezel-dev/novadrop): A developer toolkit for interacting with and modifying the TERA game client.
- [Ruptura](https://github.com/vezel-dev/ruptura): A Windows DLL injection, function interception, and memory manipulation library for .NET.
- [TERA Arise](https://github.com/tera-arise/arise): A game resurrection project for the final build of TERA EU.
- [Zig SDK](https://github.com/vezel-dev/zig-sdk): An MSBuild SDK for building Zig, C, and C++ projects using the Zig compiler.
- [Zig Toolsets](https://github.com/vezel-dev/zig-toolsets): The Zig compiler and standard library packaged for use in MSBuild.
I have created the following projects in the past, but I no longer maintain them:
- [Alkahest](https://github.com/tera-alkahest): An extensible TERA proxy server.
- [Atomique](https://github.com/alexrp/atomique): Sane atomic operations for .NET based on the C++11 memory model.
- [Augmentrex](https://github.com/alexrp/augmentrex): A reverse engineering tool for the Steam version of Hellgate: London.
- [ExMake](https://github.com/lycus/exmake): A modern, scriptable, dependency-based build tool similar to Make.
- [ExParsec](https://github.com/alexrp/ex_parsec): A parser combinator library inspired by Parsec.
- [Flect](https://github.com/lycus/flect): A pragmatic, functional systems programming language.
- [MCI](https://github.com/lycus/mci): The Managed Compiler Infrastructure is a modern and intuitive compiler backend for managed languages.
- [Oninaki Reincarnation](https://github.com/alexrp/oninaki-reincarnation): A combat and post-game overhaul mod for the Steam version of Oninaki.
- [SDB](https://github.com/mono/sdb): Command line interface to the Mono soft debugger.
- [Satori](https://github.com/lycus/satori): Libraries and tools for the Epiphany processor architecture.
I've contributed substantially to many other projects:
- [.NET for Android](https://github.com/dotnet/android): Provides open source bindings of the Android SDK for use with .NET managed languages such as C#.
- [.NET for Apple](https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios): Provides open source bindings of the Apple SDKs for use with .NET managed languages such as C#.
- [.NET Runtime](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime): A cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps.
- [Binary Ninja API](https://github.com/Vector35/binaryninja-api): Public API, examples, documentation, and issues for Binary Ninja.
- [ClangSharp](https://github.com/dotnet/ClangSharp): Clang bindings for .NET written in C#.
- [DMD](https://github.com/dlang/dmd): The reference compiler and runtime library for the D programming language.
- [dnlib](https://github.com/0xd4d/dnlib): Reads and writes .NET assemblies and modules.
- [DocFX](https://github.com/dotnet/docfx): Static site generator for .NET API documentation.
- [Draco](https://github.com/Draco-lang/Compiler): The Draco programming language compiler.
- [Elixir](https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir): A dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications.
- [gpr](https://github.com/jcansdale/gpr): A .NET Core tool for working with the GitHub Package Registry.
- [Homebrew](https://github.com/Homebrew/brew): The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux).
- [LDC](https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc): The LLVM-based D compiler.
- [LLVM](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project): A collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies.
- [LuaD](https://github.com/JakobOvrum/LuaD): Bridge to Lua from the D programming language.
- [Meson](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson): The Meson build system.
- [Micro](https://github.com/zyedidia/micro): A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.
- [Mono](https://github.com/mono/mono): Open source C#, CLI, and .NET implementation.
- [Mono.Posix](https://github.com/mono/mono.posix): POSIX/Unix interface for Mono, .NET and .NET Core.
- [MonoDevelop](https://github.com/mono/monodevelop): A cross-platform .NET IDE.
- [musl](https://musl.libc.org): An implementation of the standard library for Linux-based systems.
- [Nerdbank.GitVersioning](https://github.com/dotnet/Nerdbank.GitVersioning): Stamps assemblies with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0-compliant version information derived from Git commit height.
- [Orleans](https://github.com/dotnet/orleans): A cross-platform framework for building distributed .NET applications.
- [Pegged](https://github.com/dlang-community/Pegged): A Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) module, using the D programming language.
- [PeNet](https://github.com/secana/PeNet): Portable Executable (PE) library written in .NET.
- [Phobos](https://github.com/dlang/phobos): The standard library of the D programming language.
- [Silk.NET](https://github.com/dotnet/Silk.NET): One-stop-shop for high-speed .NET multimedia, graphics, and compute.
- [Spdx](https://github.com/patriksvensson/spdx): A .NET library that makes it easy to retrieve information about SPDX licenses.
- [VapourSynth](https://github.com/vapoursynth/vapoursynth): A video processing framework with simplicity in mind.
- [VS Code Zig](https://github.com/ziglang/vscode-zig): Zig language support for VS Code.
- [Waf](https://gitlab.com/ita1024/waf): A Python-based framework for configuring, compiling and installing applications
- [Wcwidth](https://github.com/spectreconsole/wcwidth): A .NET library that calculates the width of Unicode characters.
- [WebMarkupMin](https://github.com/Taritsyn/WebMarkupMin): A set of markup minifiers for .NET.
- [Zig](https://github.com/ziglang/zig): General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.
And probably others that I've forgotten...